
What is Copywriting?

Hint: Not the people who produce copyrights (we’re not legal bees!) 

Copywriting is the art of writing content for businesses. Whether value or sales-driven, copywriting produces the words brands need to connect with their audience. 

Claddagh Creative's seasoned writers craft a distinct tone and style for your business. 

Your "brand voice" is the fine balance of these elements that create consistency across your messaging. 

Think about your website: 

How can your audience still recognise you if you remove your logo, imagery and brand name?

The answer lies in your words.

That's the power of compelling copy!

We write website copy, blog articles, social media updates, email campaigns and video scripts. 

Whatever you want to say, we'll help you say it.

We’ll capture the voice that seamlessly reflects your brand. If you’re not ready for a copywriter to take over we can create full tone-of-voice document so you can master your voice in your own words.

Our copy strategies are ethical. No click baits or false promises.

Honest, transparent and personal is the name of the game.

Why do I need a Copywriter?

Every market is saturated.

We’ll take a guess you’d rather stand out, not blend in.

As a business, you’ll be eager to tell the world everything about your incredible brand.

But then you go to write an email, draft a blog post or create an About Page, and all you know about your business dissolves into thin air.

Writing excellent copy is equal parts research and creativity.

You need to know where to look, how to find it and who you’re talking to. Our copywriters absorb your brand values and ethos. They also provide knowledge on what works for your specific industry.

Leave the blank page and unfocused content behind. 

Our copywriters will lead the way!

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Social Media Management

What is Social Media Management?

When it comes to advertising, social media has been a game-changer.

Brands needn't rely on advertisements in newspapers, on television, and on the sides of buses to get noticed.

Every kind of marketing has its purpose. It's why we're holistic in our approach.

But whatever the activity, your audience needs to be central.

Are you likely to catch them during a Corrie omnibus or between TikTok skits?

Age, location, gender, occupation, and how they spend their free time all impact where consumers will likely see brands.

Our social strategists help you determine the best platforms to reach them and what content they'll engage with. 

Combined with your full marketing strategy, we create content to deliver value, ensuring it is optimised for the individual platform.

Analytics identify what works and what your audience craves more of. 

You'll build online communities where you can actively participate in discussions with your audience, nurturing connections and finding out what they want.

Think brand before sales.

Audience loyalty delivers profits.

Why do I need a Social Media Manager?

Scheduling, analysing data, crafting copy, and building content calendars take time!

Social media also evolves daily  What works today might not tomorrow.

Use your time wisely and let the experts take care of your socials.

Social media offers unique opportunities that are unparalleled for brands. If you’re not harnessing it effectively or are guessing your strategy, you’ll miss out. 

A recent Forbes survey found that 70% of businesses rely on social media for customer engagement.

Working with a social media management team gives you the direction you need to grow your engagement.

Socials are one cog in the marketing wheel. 

With our holistic strategies, your social presence will perfectly complement your efforts for longevity and success.

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Graphic Design & Branding

What is Graphic Design & Branding?

Branding goes beyond the logo

If you want to be unforgettable, your brand must be recognisable. 

At Claddagh Creative, your content starts with creating a look that reflects your values and audience.

How you look is a key component of your overall strategy.

And consistency is paramount to solidifying your branding.

Clear, beautiful branding is vital, from your logo and web design to your tone of voice and social media posts. 

We’ll dive deep into your brand ethos, questioning how you want to be perceived and your audience's expectations. 

Then our graphic designers will conceptualise these ideas into captivating branding that sets you apart from your competitors

How do I know if I need this ?

Did you hastily design your website when launching your brand?

Do you feel your logo falls short of being spectacular, and does it stand out amongst your competitors?

Our graphic designers will sort it out if you’re battling for brand consistency but can’t pinpoint what needs to change.

A million tools are available to help you build your brand, but a keen eye for detail and design is needed.

And we’ll hedge a bet that you’re an incredible business leader, but design possibly isn’t your forte.

Do your brand justice. 

Work with Claddagh Creative’s talented graphic designers to create a consistent brand image and tone that’ll make your audience instantly recognise you.

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Content Creation

What is Content Creation?

We’re a content-hungry world. Audiences are besotted by diverse, engaging content.

Content is simply the information we present to our audience. 

And value-driven video and image content are what your audience wants!

Everyone can create it, but not everyone can master adding real value.

With Claddagh, we’ll strategise the right content that works for your brand. We’ll focus on effective methods to connect authentically with your audience. You’ll receive a detailed content plan for a holistic view of our strategy.

Our photographers, video editors and graphic designers will produce high-quality video and image content ready to premier to your community.

Why do I need Content Creation?

Do you know what questions your audience is asking?

What information they’re looking for?

We do. 
And we’ll help you give them what they want.

You’ve likely found yourself captivated by certain content and its ability to influence the market, trends and buying habits.

But successful content creators master one important thing: 


Many brands leap onto a platform, eager to sell their product or service. 

But audiences don’t want to be sold to. They want to be entertained, educated and egnaged.

An effective video and photo content creation strategy will achieve organic reach and propel your brand to your ideal audience. 

From shoot to post, we’ll capture it all for you.

We’ll even help you elevate your brand through user-generated content from influencers.

It will look, sound and feel awesome!

Don’t guess. Become a brand leader.

The right content will drive traffic, leads, sales, engagement and brand awareness. 

With Claddagh, you can have it all!

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Holistic Brand Strategy

What is a Holistic Brand Strategy?

A holistic brand strategy means we don’t do things by halves!

At Claddagh, we consider every aspect of your customer’s experience. 

From social media to email marketing, right through to your branding. 

Every detail matters.

We’re a team, and each Claddagh Clover’s creative input influences the magic we create.

When you work with Claddagh, you’ll uncover your brand’s possibilities. 

We’ll give you the knowledge needed to drive your brand forward in the right direction. 

You’ll be able to utilise every service to maximise your brand effectiveness.

How do I know if I need this?

We’re all great at something but rarely masters of everything.

You’re a master of your industry, but excelling in each marketing area is challenging, especially if it isn’t your speciality.

We get it! 

We’ve formed a team of Claddagh Clovers who specialise in specific areas. 

When you work with us, you are supported by their expertise as they lead the way in crafting your ultimate marketing strategy.

Don’t settle for good when you can be astounding!

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Email Marketing

What is Email Marketing?

Email is dead? Pff, it’s never been more alive!

Social media might be the star, but algorithms can be unreliable, and platforms change.

Email always has your back.

Email marketing is a cost-effective tool for engaging with your audience. 

Give them an update, tell them you care, and throw in a little discount here or there.

Maintaining connections and nurturing relationships is a click away.Brilliant B2B or B2C email marketing strategies boost ROI. 

Still on the fence?

A Litmus survey found that businesses can earn $42 for every $1 spent on email marketing, and ecommerce brands may make more.

You want a piece of that email pie!

Light up your audience's inbox and keep them in the loop.

Why do I need Email Marketing?

Email doesn’t change much for one reason: 
It works.

Email marketing is a great approach for non-profits and new businesses on a tight budget to reach their target demographic.

The Claddagh team uses the information gleaned from these campaigns to fine-tune brand messaging to increase open and click-through rates. Automation and consistency get us there!

Don't think sales. Think delighting your customers' desires. 

Email campaign insight can nourish your understanding of your audience's needs so you can deliver exceptional products and services.

Our copywriters will tailor your content to keep your conversations flowing and increase customer satisfaction.

Happy customers = higher profits!

But the icing on the cake?

You'll show your customers they're a priority, and you just get them!

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Influencer Marketing

What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencers get their name for a reason!

They are the people audiences trust to give honest opinions on what they should spend their money on. 

They also go deeper than consumerism, encouraging their audiences to make informed decisions and question the brands they engage with.

Influencers have a preexisting platform that allows your brand to reach their dedicated audience.

Partnering your strategy with the right influencers through sponsored posts, reels, and reviews is a fantastic way to build trust and engage your audience.

Claddagh Creative hand-selects and reaches out to the perfect influencers that align with your brand.

Why do I need Influencers to market my brand?

If your community is still growing, leveraging the reach of someone else’s could be your ticket to success.

Especially when first approaching your overall marketing strategy!

Think of influencer marketing like customer testimonials.

Our influencers will try and test  your products, providing an honest review of its

They will publish their content to their platforms for their audience to engage with. 

You then can build relationships with their existing audience, connecting them with your brand goals and ethos.

Business is all about relationships. 

Influencers offer a trustworthy space to nurture these while supporting your brand's growth and impact.

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Paid Social Advertising

What is Paid Social Advertising?

Paid social advertising is the original form of marketing.

And there’s still a huge need for paid media ads.

They are crucial for reaching your target audience.

They are the best way to ensure your message reaches the right people at the right time.

From press releases to media campaigns, we help you create an impact that will get you results and be seen by new customers.

Why do I need Paid Social Advertising?

You’ve perfected your branding. Mastered your voice.

It’s time to reach your biggest audience ever.

Taking your brand to the next level has never been easier. 

Paid media advertising is fantastic for announcing the launch of your brand, relaying your message and introducing new products.

It gets you seen by the right people, at the right time, in the right places.

If you’re determined to make a splash in your industry, paid social ads will create waves.

Unleash your brand, don’t hold it back.

Claddagh will strategise your best-paid advertising routes to market for maximum effectiveness.

Together, we’ll curate a flawless message to hook your audience.

It’s the cherry on the cake for your holistic marketing strategy!

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Our Services

Marketing that puts storytelling at the centre of your consumer journey.

Everything you need to know about our services in one place. Have a browse or, if you’re unsure of exactly what you need, book a discovery call today.

Email Marketing

The only way to directly communicate with your customers. Through email marketing, we can track exactly what your consumer wants to receive and tailor your campaigns accordingly. It’s the one place we can get personal.

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Holistic Marketing

Watch what happens when you put each part of the puzzle together. Our holistic marketing packages are created for brands who want to go past making a ripple in their industry. It’s for those who are ready to make waves.

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Instagram Marketing

Consider this the ultimate canvas for painting your brand's narrative and fostering genuine connections. We go beyond product sales, we weave captivating tales to create a true community.

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Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest works for one major reason; people are there with the intent to purchase. Between our data-driven strategy and incredible content, we know exactly how to land in front of your consumer.

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Where the story starts. Discover exactly how we craft your brand voice in a way that ignites true connection with your audience. You’ve got a story to tell, and we’re here to help you tell it.

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Influencer Marketing

People connect with people, and when you work with the right creators, you’ll be surprised at who you can reach. From gifted to paid, we will find the perfect influencers for your brand.

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Content Creation

A picture tells a thousand stories. So when we organise your content shoot, your story, mission and ethos comes to life right in front of your eyes. From the planning to the strategy, we have it covered.

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Our Work

We have plenty of other case studies available. If there's anything specific you'd like to see or if you need more information on a particular topic, just let us know!


MeatFreed is a platform that encourages students to introduce a plant-based lifestyle. To enforce positivity, we ensured that we avoid scare tactics at all times. Instead, we focus on inspiring the user to taste and sample plant-based alternatives.


When we first connected with JulieMay, they were struggling with their brand identity. The founder had an incredible vision, but struggled to bring some of it to fruition. Firstly, she struggled with posting the right content on Social Media! They also wanted help with setting up automation.


PROTSAAH is an ethical jewellery brand that collaborates with artisans all over the world. As a brand, PROTSAAH pushes empowerment throughout the entire brand process. From the artisans, to the team, to the gifter to the giftee.

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Like what you see? Here are the next steps


Book a discovery call below using our calendly link.

We’ll get to know one another, discover what you’re looking for, what we can do to help and whether we fit together.


Jump on a 30 minute call with team Claddagh Creative.

If we believe we are a right fit we'll book you in for a 30 - 45 minute call to deep dive into how we can work together.


If all goes well, it's time for us to send our proposal

We'll send this across right after our call for your perusal, alongside your contract and first invoice.


We’ll get everything signed, sealed and delivered.

Once you’re happy, you've signed your contract and paid your first invoice alongside your onboarding fee we'll start the process. Our onboarding phase is 30 days meaning once you've done all of the above we'll officially start work 30 days. Organisation is so key!
During this 30 day period, we’ll take the time to get to know your brand and complete your onboarding process ready to kick things off on your start date.

Once the day arrives, we’ll take the first steps towards your new community-focussed holistic marketing strategy.

And as they say, the rest will be history (or we’ll make history).
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