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Why Email Marketing Still Matters and How to Master it

This is your sign to invest in your email marketing

Email marketing has been a cornerstone of the customer journey for forty years. Despite the competition from platforms such as Instagram, it has proven its resilience. 

So, if you’ve lost faith in email for your business or if you need a little help understanding just how amazing it is, keep reading.

But first, why do some believe email marketing is dead? 

We understand. Your inbox gets 121 emails each day. However, amidst the chaos, some emails do stand out.

It differs from person to person, but that’s what makes it so special. Once you find your people, they tend to stick around for good.

This means that this saturated market is alive. It’s just about doing it right.

The truth is, your email list is something that you will always own. Look, we're not dismissing Instagram as a marketing tool, but once that goes down, you’ve lost control. You can't predict what your followers will see or the algorithm's choices.

Email, however, offers a different advantage. Your subscriber list consists of people who have opted in. They give you control over what they see and when.

How can you effectively use email marketing for your business? 

Over half the global population uses email. The key to standing out in a client’s inbox? 

Make them click. Make it personal. Make it mobile-friendly.

Firstly, if you’re not A/B testing your subject/preview lines, now’s the time to start. Figuring out what makes them click is crucial for the success of your email marketing strategy. However, it isn’t everything! Remember that some people open emails to subscribe, so be sure to consider all metrics.

Tools like segmentation tailor your messaging and make your audience feel like you sent an email just for them. Generic emails sent to your entire list simply won’t cut it in today’s world.

Finally (and this is a SUPER important one), with mobile usage soaring, optimising for mobile design is crucial. We know; it seems obvious. But most brands create their email on a desktop and forget to make it mobile-friendly.

Did you know that 60% of consumers prefer to be contacted by brands through email?

But not when it’s long, tedious and irrelevant.

Keep it simple. Short and snappy. Your customers have limited time! Highlight the value they'll gain from your email. 

For example:

"You should invest in email marketing because it boosts revenue. Here’s how."


"Master your email marketing revenue.”

Which one grabs your attention? 

76% of consumers get frustrated when brand interactions aren’t personalised to their interests.

Remember, being personal will make them feel special. And more likely to open your emails. 

Target the right audience with precision.

Bad example: "If you are a business owner, this email is perfect for you." 

Good example: "Fred, we’ve created this for [insert business]."

You get the idea. 

What else should you keep in mind? 

Avoid pushing a sale with every email. Keep all customer types engaged by mixing light, conversational emails with promotional and sales-oriented ones. 

Maintain a consistent tone of voice. Don’t start an email and switch to a formal tone midway.

Avoid spammy appearances by creating valuable, engaging content. People notice when effort is lacking—so keep it relevant.

Long story short: email marketing is not dead.

It never will be. It will always be a crucial component of your marketing toolkit. 

However, we’re not going to deny that it’s hard to keep up with 

Which is why *cough* an excellent email marketing team *cough* is a guaranteed way to reach your audience. 

Want to deep dive into an email strategy? Let’s discover if we’re the perfect fit.

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