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Shopper priorities are changing. Here’s how to not get left behind.

By now, we all know that the same pushy, toxic marketing tactics just don’t cut it any more. Consumers are used to being sold to, and there are very few tricks in the book to get them to buy.

And you know what? We’re glad.

Because it means that brands are harnessing the things that matter.

CNX network recently said that:

“Emotional connections will keep customers coming back, even during times of hyperinflation.” 

But why is that? 

Let’s dive in, shall we?

They appreciate relatability

Whether that’s through telling your story or sharing your team, witnessing real human interaction promotes trust.

But here’s something that brands often miss the mark on.

Your face matters.

The 2023 Freeman Trust report says 8 out of 10 millennials trust brands more after meeting them at live events. 

How are you really supposed to know your customers if you’re not meeting them in person? It’s like getting into a relationship with somebody without meeting them in real life. You struggle to get a real connection. 

Go to trade shows, jump on calls, and ask them questions. The more you show your face and get to know your audience, the better.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, get in touch, and we can collaborate. 

Humanity is built on community. Brands can show, hold, and create that community; you simply must dedicate time to connection.

People want to get more from their purchase

Luxury fashion house Chloé has created a way to trace and prove their garments' authenticity, making resale (we all know Vinted is all the rage) even more accessible.

Chloé is building trust in their brand by sharing these details, which is also a significant step toward a circular mentality. You can read all about circular marketing here

But what makes this attitude so special for consumers?

Creating this digital ID, The Vertical Project, helps consumers see they are buying into a quality brand. This makes purchasing and reselling authentic Chloé easy, adding more allure and encouraging trust. 

Consumers are looking for ways to stretch finances and buy with intent. 

The lead-up to those purchases is shaped by personalisation, online ease, community, and value for hard-earned money.

Another example is when brands offer items that double up for multiple uses or are reversible; they add allure. Who doesn’t love getting things for free!? 

Promotional codes and loyalty schemes are rising in popularity, reflecting this consumer trend. 

Think about a coffee loyalty card; the reward is a £4.00 coffee, but it keeps you coming back. 

Plus, coffee tastes way better when it’s free.

How can I bring authentic personality into branding?

The recipe to success lies in an authentic experience for you and the consumer. If you create joyful content, you make a positive retail experience.  Add human connection to the mix, and consumers will be back time and time again. 

All sustainable brands need to work on this, as according to the Global Overview Report, 50% of consumers feel that brands aren’t currently providing the personalisation they desire. 

If you feel like you don’t know where to start, we’ve got you covered.
Showing snippets of your story online is a fantastic way to connect with your consumers. From showing off your team to outlining your brand values, it all adds to a great consumer experience.

But discovering your story can be tough, never mind telling it.

That is why we put together our Sustainable Storytelling Blueprint, which has everything you need to tell your story online. 

Trust us, when we say everything, we mean everything.

So, how can independent brands stand out against big competition? 

Convenience sells in a fast-paced society. Big names have laid the groundwork for online shopping. As a smaller brand, you must discover how to stand out.

Millennials and Gen Z are the newest key consumer groups, so you have to understand how to stand out to them. As a sustainable business, showing your sustainable values (without shoving them down somebody’s throat) is a great way to do this.

For example, Adidas' pop-up in Berlin emphasises reuse. Vintage and rental pieces cover the shop floor. We know they’re not a sustainable brand, but they’re learning about their consumer's priorities and trying to adapt to them.

You must do the same. But guess what? As a sustainable business, you already have a vast vantage point.

Although "sustainable" has become a box-ticking buzzword, highlighting your values is still essential. Just ensure you’re showing them, not just telling people about them. The proof’s in the pudding, after all.

Before we sign off, Big Feeling’s Founder said:

"The future of retail is driven by community and wellbeing.” 

And honestly, it’s so true. The question is, does your brand prioritise that?

If the answer is no, or even if you know it could do it better, get in touch with us today. 

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