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Our top 5 marketing tips for Christmas

To make the festive season a little smoother for you and your brand, we’ve rounded up a selection of key ethical marketing tips to ensure you're one step ahead (you can thank us later).

From highlighting your sustainable values to nurturing relationships, our top 5 marketing tips will give your brand that extra boost while ensuring you’re at the top of your game. 

The perfect way to mark the end of 2023? We think so.

1) Christmas Marketing Strategy

Let’s think of the big picture. In order for your brand to shine this season, you’ll want to ensure you have a winning Christmas season marketing strategy in place. Not only can this act as an opportunity to highlight your brand’s message and purpose, it’s also a key moment to maintain and build connections with your audience. 

Your marketing strategy for Christmas should also include a compelling content strategy that covers blog content, social media posts, and videos to keep your customers in the loop. 

You’ll also want to think about how you’re showing up for your audience. Offering unwavering customer service and support shows your customers that you care and solidifies those bonds in the long run.

A Christmas scene with a close up of a Christmas tree branch with snow falling

2) Customer Appreciation

Customer appreciation also extends beyond high-quality service and support. Think about how other brands show up for you when you’re engaging with them. Everyone wants to feel special and appreciated when shopping with a brand and by offering exclusive discounts, early access to sales, or personalised festive greetings you can rest assured your audience will feel valued. 

After all, happy customers = higher profits and by acknowledging their ongoing support and commitment, you’re sure to see an uptick in those repeat purchases. It really is that simple!

3) Limited Edition & Unique Products

Offering limited edition and unique products is a win-win situation for you and your customer. By introducing limited edition festive-themed products that align with your ethical values, you can shed positive light on your brand image while ensuring your customer has something original and unique in their hands. 

Limited edition products also create a sense of excitement and a feeling of exclusivity and in return encourages customers to make a purchase. In a world full of mass production and overconsumption, there’s always room for one-of-a-kind sustainable gifts.

2 people exchanging a gift by a Christmas tree

4) Educational Content

Knowledge is power. Your customer wants to hear your backstory and what’s going on behind the scenes. By creating informative blog posts, educational videos, and engaging social media content, you can effectively communicate your ethical practices with your audience. 

Creating awareness and promoting sustainable messaging gives your customer an extra boost of confidence and a sense of satisfaction when making a purchase with you. You can also extend outside the realms of your brand and consider offering tips on eco-friendly festive practices or DIY projects. 

After all, every little bit helps.

5) Email Marketing

Powerful email marketing is your kryptonite. You’ll want to aim for approximately 5-6 emails over the course of the festive period to avoid overwhelming your audience. Spacing out your emails and focusing on value-driven content (think high-quality content, tips, and guides) promises consistent audience engagement. 

Segmentation is also your best friend and by tailoring your emails to different groups, you can deliver targeted promotions to the correct audience. 

Want to know how well your content is received? Paying attention to feedback from your subscribers and monitoring key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates helps you gauge the success of your email campaigns. 

And for those who aren’t interested? The unsubscribe option allows your audience to opt out of future communications.

To give you a head start and spread the festive cheer, we’ve outlined a starting point for your brand below:

1) Pre-Event Teasers

Kick off your campaign by building anticipation and excitement. In the run up to the holiday event, you can consider sneak peeks at upcoming deals, focusing on popular products, and ensuring subscribers are prepared ahead of the event.

2) Holiday Kickoff

Two is the magic number on the day of the event. Announce the event with a morning email and wrap up the day with an evening recap of the day's highlights.

3) Mid-Event Reminders

A quick email reminder during the event can keep your deals at the forefront of subscribers' minds.

4) Last Chance Emails

Last chance emails create a sense of urgency and encourage subscribers to take advantage of your deals and offerings. By sending these emails towards the end of the event, you can maximise sales.

5) Post-Event Recap and Thank You

Showing gratitude to your subscribers strengthens your ties and a post-event recap gives your brand another opportunity to promote any ongoing deals and highlight upcoming events.

Maximising profits and honing in on marketing tips doesn’t mean you have to compromise on your values. 

If anything, highlighting your sustainable practices works in tandem with an effective ethical sales strategy. The key takeaway and overarching message this season and beyond? Connecting with your audience and tuning into your customers’ desires. 

And if you need a helping hand, connection is our thing. Get in touch and we’ll be on hand for all of your marketing needs.

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