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Shokay provides ethical yak wool for B2B fashion knitwear lines. They pride themselves on creating opportunities for Tibetan locals by ethically sourcing yak wool. Not only is yak wool warmer than cotton and softer than cashmere, but it is also a lot more ethical.
Website Rewrite & Design
Social Media Management
Email Marketing  
Blog Post Strategy
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The Brief

Shokay knew that yak wool would revolutionise the market- they just needed some help getting the message out there. The founder approached us with a desire to ethically break into the European market but needed to figure out where to start. That’s where we came in.Today, the PROTSAAH website is an experience we are proud to have created.

The Solution

The minute we performed an audit on Shokay, we knew what was missing- the personal touch. We optimised their strategy through the services listed below to be much more user-friendly. And, well, take a look at the results for yourself. Not only does our B2B click rate soar way above the average, but every email encourages an influx of potential partners to browse the website/book a call.

The Brief

Shokay knew that yak wool would revolutionise the market- they just needed some help getting the message out there. The founder approached us with a desire to ethically break into the European market but needed to figure out where to start. That’s where we came in.

The Solution

The minute we performed an audit on Shokay, we knew what was missing- the personal touch. We optimised their strategy through the services listed below to be much more user-friendly. Not only does our B2B click rate soar way above the average, but every email encourages an influx of potential partners to browse the website/book a call.


After a few conversations with the incredible co-founder, we discovered a way to simplify the content in a fun, engaging, and concise way. We completely transformed their communications and optimised the copy across the website, social and email marketing. In doing so, we have made the user experience more accessible and, in turn, received more B2B organic leads.

Website Rewrite & Design

When targeting B2B, copywriting must be benefit focussed without neglecting the crucial elements of storytelling- especially regarding a niche topic such as sustainable yak wool. Before we worked with Shokay, they needed help to define a clear brand. Through a solid tone of voice and new website branding, we helped make the website more user-friendly and turned scrolling through the pages into a unique experience.

Blog Post Strategy

Last but certainly not least, we also work on their blog strategy. Since their market is niche, they must appear to be the experts in their field. That’s why we apply our unstoppable blog post formula to ensure we offer the perfect mix of knowledge, promotion and education.

Want to learn more? Let’s jump on a quick call.

Social Media Management

Discovering your brand's ideal audience and connecting with them on the right platform can be the key to unlocking unparalleled success. Shokay serves as a shining example of this truth. With a focus on B2B relationships, we crafted an awe-inspiring LinkedIn strategy to showcase their unrivalled expertise and forge meaningful connections with potential clients.

Email Marketing

After a period of dormancy, we returned with a fresh perspective to revitalise Shokay’s approach. With a cutting-edge email template redesign and a refined email list, we offered a personalised experience tailored to their target audience.

And that's not all - we brought them email automations that discover exactly what brands want to know from the moment of sign-up.

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